Below you’ll find all of the PureAir® projects that have been detailed in case study format.

Customer Location Equip/Media Application Industry
Red Dog Mine Alaska PFU-Mini Antimicrobial Mining
Dairy Plant California Media Biogas Food and Beverage
The National Archives Museum Washington, DC Media Indoor Air Quality Museum
Christie’s Washington, DC PFU Indoor Air Quality Auction House
WRUA Jackson, MS BEAST Odor Control Wastewater Treatment Plant
Camas Washington DS Odor Control Wastewater Pump Station
Pet Food Manufacturer East Georgia DS Odor Control Food and Beverage
Linwood Gainesville, GA EBM Odor Control Water Reclamation
Dannon Minster, OH Media/VBS Odor Control Food and Beverage – Dairy Plant
New Belgium Ft. Collins, CO PBS Odor Control Brewery
City of Spokane Spokane, Washington PBS Odor Control Wastewater Treatment Plant
City of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA PP12 Odor Control Tunneling
SIAAP Paris, France PP18 Odor Control Sanitation Authority
Big Creek Georgia RF Odor Control Wastewater Treatment Plant
ATK Missile Ohio SAH Odor Control Aerospace
Hospital Washington, DC SAH Odor Control Helicopter Fumes
Taif Hospital Saudi Arabia SAH/EcoClean Odor Control Hospital
Chisholm Creek Oklahoma City, Oklahoma VBS Odor Control Wastewater Treatment Plant
RL Sutton Georgia VTS Odor Control Wastewater Treatment Plant
ROPEC Canada VTS Odor Control Wastewater Treatment Plant
Evergreen Mill Pine Bluff, AR IVBS Protecting Electronics Paper Mill
Zao Russia IVBS Protecting Electronics Paper Mill
Progroup AG Germany SAH Protecting Electronics Paper Mill
KJO Saudi Arabia SAH/V-Bank Protecting Electronics Oil Refinery
GP Crossett, AR VBS Protecting Electronics Paper Mill
City of Yonkers New York EGS Toxic Gas Protection Wastewater Pump Station
City of New Buffalo Michigan EGS Toxic Gas Protection Water Treatment Plant
NTMWD North Texas EGS Toxic Gas Protection Wastewater Treatment Plant
Logan Aluminum Russellville, KY EGS-100 (CDS) Toxic Gas Protection Aluminum Smelting